Lyrics of Farafina’s "Faso Denou"


NOTE: This interpretation and translation is the result of a request from Jürgen Werner, a musician who runs "Djembe Feeling".

Faso denw, an ka Ala dari
Children of the homeland, let us implore God

Faso denw, an ka Ala dari
Children of the homeland, let us implore God

Burukina Faso denw, an ka dubaw yaala, n'Ala sɔnna à ma, an bɛɛ bɛ bɔ nɔgɔ ra
Children of Burkina Faso, let us seek benedictions, God willing, we will all emerge from filth

Faso denw, an ka Ala dari
Children of the homeland, let us implore God

Faso denw, an ka Ala dari
Children of the homeland, let us implore God

Burukina Faso denw, an bɛɛ ka Ala le dari
Children of Burkina Faso, let us implore God

Faso denw, an ka Ala dari
Children of the homeland, let us implore God

Faso denw, an ka Ala dari
Children of the homeland, let us implore God

Burukina Faso denw, an ka dubaw yaala, n'Ala sɔnna à ma, an bɛɛ bɛ bɔ nɔgɔ ra
Children of Burkina Faso, let us seek benedictions, God willing, we will all emerge from filth

Faso denw, an ka Ala dari
Children of the homeland, let us implore God

Faso denw, an ka Ala dari
Children of the homeland, let us implore God

Burukina Faso denw, an bɛɛ ka Ala le dari
Children of Burkina Faso, let us all implore God

Wolofalu, an bɛɛ ka Ala le dari
Birth fathers, let us all implore God

Wolobalu, an bɛɛ ka Ala le dari
Birth mothers, let us all implore God

Wolokɔrɔlu, an bɛɛ ka Ala le dari
Elder birth siblings, let us all implore God

N'i bɛ sɛnɛ kɛ, an bɛɛ ka Ala le dari
If you farm, let us all implore God

N'i bɛ jago kɛ, an bɛɛ ka Ala le dari
If you trade, let us all implore God

N'i bɛ fɔli kɛ, an bɛɛ ka Ala le dari
If you play music, let us all implore God

Burukina Faso denw, an ka dubaw yaala, n'Ala sɔnna à ma, an bɛɛ bɛ bɔ nɔgɔ ra
Children of Burkina Faso, let us seek benedictions, God willing, we will all emerge from filth

Faso denw, an ka Ala dari
Children of the homeland, let us implore God

Faso denw, an ka Ala dari
Children of the homeland, let us implore God

Burukina Faso denw, an bɛɛ ka Ala le dari
Children of Burkina Faso, let us implore God

Faso denw, an ka Ala dari
Children of the homeland, let us implore God

Burukina Faso denw, an ka dubaw yaala, n'Ala sɔnna à ma, an bɛɛ bɛ bɔ nɔgɔ ra
Children of Burkina Faso, let us seek benedictions, God willing, we will all emerge from filth

Faso denw, an ka Ala dari
Children of the homeland, let us implore God

Faso denw, an ka Ala dari
Children of the homeland, let us implore God

Burukina Faso denw, an bɛɛ ka Ala le dari
Children of Burkina Faso, let us implore God

Faso denw, an ka Ala dari
Children of the homeland, let us implore God

Faso denw, an ka Ala dari
Children of the homeland, let us implore God

Burukina Faso denw, an ka dubaw yaala, n'Ala sɔnna à ma, an bɛɛ bɛ bɔ nɔgɔ ra
Children of Burkina Faso, let us seek benedictions, God willing, we will all emerge from filth

Faso denw, an ka Ala dari
Children of the homeland, let us implore God

Faso denw, an ka Ala dari
Children of the homeland, let us implore God

Burukina Faso denw, an bɛɛ ka Ala le dari
Children of Burkina Faso, let us all implore God

Wolofalu, an bɛɛ ka Ala le dari
Birth fathers, let us all implore God

Wolobalu, an bɛɛ ka Ala le dari
Birth mothers, let us all implore God

Wolokɔrɔlu, an bɛɛ ka Ala le dari
Elder birth siblings, let us all implore God

N'i bɛ jago kɛ, an bɛɛ ka Ala le dari
If you trade, let us all implore God

N'i bɛ sɛnɛ kɛ, an bɛɛ ka Ala le dari
If you farm, let us all implore God

N'i bɛ fɔli kɛ, an bɛɛ ka Ala le dari
If you play music, let us all implore God

Burukina Faso denw, an ka dubaw yaala, n'Ala sɔnna à ma, an bɛɛ bɛ bɔ nɔgɔ ra
Children of Burkina Faso, let us seek benedictions, God willing, we will all emerge from filth

Faso denw, an ka Ala dari
Children of the homeland, let us implore God

Faso denw, an ka Ala dari
Children of the homeland, let us implore God

Burukina Faso denw, an bɛɛ ka Ala le dari
Children of Burkina Faso, let us all implore God

An bɛɛ ka Ala le dari
Let us all implore God

An bɛɛ ka Ala le dari
Let us all implore God

An bɛɛ ka Ala le dari
Let us all implore God

🧐 Please don’t copy and paste this interpretation and translation elsewhere! You can contact Coleman if need be.


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