Commuter: West African Immigrant Life in Paris


The second episode of Baarakètò (‘Working’) is now released!

It focuses on a man from Côte d’Ivoire who commutes across greater Paris (from a southern banlieue all the way to a northern one that is one hour away on the RER train).

Through his words in Dioula (and additional subtitles in English and French), we get to learn a bit about various aspects of his life:

  • Why he doesn’t think his commute is any worse than that of people living in Paris proper

  • How he picks up religious knowledge instead of calling people while on the train

  • Why he opted to get his own place instead of living with his sister in Paris

  • How hosting a friend who migrated from Côte d’Ivoire led to him needing to move out of his apartment

  • His preference for waking up with the sound of birds

  • His long-term desire to settle back in a village in West Africa with his relatives